Lymphatic Physiology and Mechanisms (return to menu)
to selected papers and other materials concerning this topic
are listed below by date - last name of first author - title of
Tissue and Terminal Lymphatics
1936 Drinker The Functional Significance of the Lymphatic System
1957 Taylor Lymphatic Circulation Studied with Radioactive Plasma Protein
1958 Taylor Protein Content of Oedema Fluid in Lymphoedema
1994 Bates Starling pressures in the human arm and their alteration in postmastectomy oedema
1995 Reddy A Mathematical Model of Flow throuhg the Terminal Lymphatics
1999 Stanton Comparison of Microvascular Filtration in Human Arms With and Without Postmastectomy Oedema
2007 Baluk
Functionally specialized
junctions between endothelial cells of lymphatic vessels (large file)
Lymphatic Pressures
1993 Zaugg-Vesti Lymphatic pressure in patients with primary lymphedema
1996 Franzeck Effect of postural changes on human lymphatic capillary pressure of the skin
1998 Dorffler-Melly Diurnal and long-term variations of lymph capillary pressure in health